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Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5, 2010

Grand Forks, ND to Williston, ND.

Interesting day today.  Rained about half the time and the temp dropped down into the mid-50's.  As one might imagine, North Dakota is pretty flat and rural.  My brother-in-low, Charles Streisel, is an avid bicyclist and he was telling me that US2 is a favorite route for bicyclers to go from coast to coast.  And they go from west to east because the winds blow from the west and's basically all downhill.  Anyway, I must have seen 20 cyclers individually or in small groups loaded down with camping gear and headed east.  I said it's all down hill, but maybe I should have said it's all downhill on average.  There are lots of very long, gradual grades that would have given me a coronary just looking at them.  But there they were, pedaling along in 18th gear, legs churning and the bike moving inches at a time.  I guess the 20 mph tailwinds must have helped some, though.

Here's today's geography lesson...Do you know where the geographical center of North America is?  Well, I didn't either until around 10:30 today, and it's:

The Geographical Center of North America...Rugby, ND

No explaination as to why the metropolis is named after an Austrailian game that's a primitive form of football, but..

Also, made a new friend today.  Ken is from Augusta, GA and he's travelling to Alaska, his second such trip.  He's going up thru Edmunton, Alberta, and I'm going up a couple hundred miles west of there, but he promised to keep an eye out for me.

Ken in Rugby, ND on his way to Alaska.

Leaving Williston, ND for Havre, MT tomorrow, about 300 miles from here.  From Havre it's about 200 miles to Glacier National Park, so I should be going thru the park on Wednesday afternoon if all works as planned.  Miles today:  366.  Total:  1,962.

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