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Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010

Dawson Creek, BC.  Spent the day in Dawson Creek as a breather.  Took care of laundry and took in all 3 of the local sights.  There is a Visitor's Center in the old town railway station that has lots of displays about the town's history (only really goes back to 1910 or so) and some very interesting information, and a one-hour film, on the building of the Alaska Highway.  The Alaska Highway House is just down the street, and it had more info on the Alaska Highway, but not nearly as extensive as the Visitor's Center.

The town was having a cruise-in today on Main Street, and I spent about 2 hours walking around looking at the cars.  The winters are long here, and folks must have a lot of time to work on old cars, because there were some really nice ones.  It's also interesting that some of the cars were called one thing when they were sold in the states and another name when sold in Canada.  Saw a lot of Mercury pickups from the 50's and 60's that looked a lot like Fords.

You can get some idea, but there were about 200 cars there and most of them were really nice.

A 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 with disappearing hardtop.  So,'s not just Volvo's.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this.  Not sure how good the opportunity is, though.

Tomorrow it's up the Alaska Highway proper to Fort Nelson, BC, about 300 miles or so.  Weather is calling for light rain, but hopefully it's not too bad.

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