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Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010

In Fairbanks for the day.

Took the bike over to "Outpost" Harley-Davidson, the "Farthest North Harley Davidson Dealer in the World" to get two new tires and all the fluids changed.  The chip-seal they use on the Alaska Highway really wears tires down fast, and I'm not taking any chances.  I normally get about 20,000 miles out of the front tire and changed it today at just over 10,000 miles, and I normally get 7-8,000 miles out of the rear tire and changed it today at about 5,000 miles.  But...good news is it's done.

While the bike was being serviced, I took in "Pioneer Park", a local attraction that was within walking distance of the dealerhip and the motel.  The park is sorta geared more for kids, but they do have the Pioneer Air Museum and the Tanana Valley Railroad Museum, so I poked around in there for a couple hours.  The air museum had some interesting exhibits and artifacts and I think if they had added one more paper clip, the building would have exploded:

There was a lot of information about the bush pilots from the nineteen teens onward and about the guy who founded Alaska Air.  Pretty cool, but not real well organized.  The railroad museum had a lot of information about the founding of Fairbanks (it was as far as the boat could go on the river) and about the railroad built during the gold rush to move gold and ore out and supplies in.  Pretty interesting, but I wouldn't make the drive just to see it.

Weather is still awfully wet, and it let loose with downpours and hail from about 4:00 pm to about 6:00 this afternoon.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better.  Going to catch a couple local museums tomorrow.  Miles today:  6  Total:  4,968.

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