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Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

I left Hurley, WI around 8:00 this morning and took US2 over to Duluth, MN.  I didn't stop in Duluth, but along the shore of Lake Superior, you  could sure see the infrastructure that was in place for loading and unloading the cargo ships that plied the Great Lakes.  Headed on across US2 the remainder of the way to Grand Forks, ND for the night. 

Check this out...Do you know where the Mississippi River originates?  Well, it's Lake Itasca in Central Minnesota.  Well, here I am cruising down US2 between Ball Club and Bena (real towns) and here's what I see:
A sign indicating that we're now crossing the Mississippi River.

Well, since I didn't see any Riverboats anywhere, I stopped to take a closer look:

Basically, a marsh with a small stream running through it!

Anyway, very pretty country up here, but it's pretty apparent that the land is getting flatter the further west I go.  Heading across North Dakota tomorrow to Williston, on the western end of the state.  Miles today: 378.  To date: 1,596 miles.

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