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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010

Williston, ND to Havre, MT.

Long, wet, cold day today.  It rained off and on the entire trip.  Fortunately, not hard enough to be a hazard, but it spit a drizzle almost continuously.  Temperatures were in the mid-50's and I had almost everything on that I brought short of the electric gear. 

Starting to see evidence of mountains in the far distance.  The terrain was rolling, few trees, lots of wheat fields, and lots of oil-drilling activity.  Oil wells everywhere.  Crossed into Mountain time somewhere, not sure where.  Didn't stop to take any pictures today, was just to crappy.

Tomorrow, it's about 200 miles to Going-to-the-Sun Road and Glacier National Park.  Pat and I had been there in 1981 or 1982 when we lived in Denver and it was just beautiful.  I plan to get an early start so I can get to the Park around noon.  I'll be staying in Kalispell, MT tomorrow nite.  Promise I'll take pictures tomorrow.

Miles today:  308.  Total: 2,270.

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